Stefan Lanka on DNA

DNA is not a solid complex molecule which contains so much data that it serves as a blueprint for Life and nor is it self-replicating in any way. Instead is is a spontaneous materialisation and dynamic organisation of matter that arises from the needs and energy flows of the parent cell.

This page contains transcribed material from Stefan’s lecture followed by some comments that try to resolve his descriptions with the laws of contemporary physics.

Stefan Lanka: What biology IS – body and soul biology and the substance life is made of.

Stefan on RNA: “Here we have a typical diagram of DNA. As soon as a small amount of organic material has accumulated along with a few minerals they form themselves and whatever is beneficial for the metabolism stays there longer and is integrated into the chromosomes. This enables our body to learn how to deal with toxins such as alcohol.”

“Bacteria quickly learn to metabolise everything which is presented to them and which doesn’t kill them straight away. What doesn’t kill me makes me stronger!

“The first experiment I did as a biologist was to see that when you keep increasing dioxin concentrations and at the same time suddenly withdraw the nutrient solution, the bacteria start digesting the dioxin. The nutrient solution is depleted and they live solely on this toxin. The same thing happens when antibiotics are used instead of dioxins; the bacteria start to metabolise them.

“If the nutrient solution is then suddenly given back to them and the poison is simultaneously taken away – they die. They first have to re-learn to metabolise the solution and that is what the RNA is for.

“RNA comes in all variations and that is why a PCR test can test anyone positive for anything. All you have to say is that this is the gene sequence for this or that, and after looking for long enough you will find it. Or you let the PCR run for a long time and it will produce sequences that weren’t there before.

“RNA is self generating. RNA is its own catalyst.

“In that sense it is another presentation of Life and of how Life, invisible to us, emerges from this substance water (Pi water)”

Stefan on DNA: “Here we have a model of DNA. Current science believes that DNA defines the body’s metabolism, that it is the dominator. But it is not that in any way. It is a resonator and stabiliser! It changes permanently (continually?) and serves mainly to release energy in the body.”

“The DNA is coiled up in this diagram, as you can see, but geneticists have known for a long time, that DNA is a long strand in the nucleus most of the time, and it only coils up in this X-shaped way when the cell is dividing. So it is ‘unwound’ most of the time. And not only that, it also constantly builds up and unwinds again. It is not a fixed strand that never changes, it constantly builds up and reassembles itself.”

“The reason why the DNA in the cell nucleus does not get knotted up, is because it constantly builds up and breaks down again, it oscillates. Geneticists, who believe in fixed genes, cannot explain this. It’s a constant transforming, a coming into being, a disappearing again. This is our current knowledge about DNA.

“But if you are stuck in cellular theory you cannot imagine what you see here. You are forced to think in a too complicated way, you are forced to think in incorrect models. Incorrect models that have been imposed on us throughout our history.

“This history of ours has culminated in corona. I must say ‘Thank God’ because, through it, we have the chance to get rid of this global dogma, to bring it to a controlled implosion.”

On the atomic theory of reality: “With all this, I have a completely different understanding of my body, of the interrelationships and also connectedness with the cosmos. The atomic theory had prevented this understanding.” – Lanka

“In pre-Socratic times we had the Ancient Greek principle of ‘as above, so below’, and the atomic way of thinking destroyed this way of thinking.

“Democritus said that if we keep cutting through the hemp rope, then suddenly it is no longer hemp, suddenly it is no longer known matter; only atoms remain; we don’t know anything about these atoms but they simply must be there. He then presented this atom theory as an explanation of Life: atoms come into contact with each other, molecules are formed and so on.

“This is 2500 year old rubbish, and it stinks to high heaven; it’s simply incorrect. This has lead us to this dead end and maybe, thank God, we are in this dead end, because we must end this global dogma.

The weakest point in the whole theory is the virus dogma.”

Key points

  • Our concept of the atom has held back progress
  • RNA and DNA are energy accumulators
  • RNA and DNA have some sort of ‘memory’
  • Both are created ‘out of nothing’
  • Creation is not sequential but parallel
  • There is no ‘replication’ as such
  • The structure of DNA is determined by the cell
  • PCR tests are just nonsense


The concept of a molecule that we are familiar with resembles the illustration on the right where hard metallic looking atoms are held together by indestructible looking bonds which are themselves made of metal, glass or sometimes Bakelite.

Physicists don’t think of them like this (I hope!) but this is how most other people will picture then and whilst this is fine for many purposes it is quite crippling for the imagination and will strongly discourage any hypothesis that is hard to reconcile with this visual image.

Stefan blames the Ancient Greeks but whilst they had some theory of atomism or materialist reductionism, I can’t imagine that they had in mind the image presented above.

Indeed Konstantin Meyl insists that the texts have been mis-translated and that what was proposed was more like his theory of vortex physics which supposes that what we call ‘atoms’ are really agglomerations of field vortices:

Remarkable about the passage by Plato is not only the fact, that the potential vortex already was known for 2500 years and was taken into consideration for an interpretation, but also the realization that during the described transition the smells form. Smell thus would be a vortex property!” – Konstantin Meyl: Scalar waves p.189

Stefan Lanka wants to describe biological ‘substances’ such as pi-water as the current atomic model is in contradiction with his observations, but the vortex model of Meyl is much more sympathetic to his needs.

As above, so below.

Atoms are composed of fundamental (spherical/toroidal) field vortices and molecules are collections of such. Within this model, the transmutations of Kervran do not seem so unlikely and Meyl describes how solar neutrinos may be captured by the water vortices and materialised as electrons in biological systems.

The vortex structure is seen at all scales of physical reality and so the Greek’s principle of ‘as above, so below‘ is now preserved. This follows from the vortex model of Meyl ,which has field movement as fundamental, and the hairy ball theorem which makes a torus structure a necessity; the torus being the only shape able to sustain smooth energy flow without a discontinuity.

Atoms, electrons, blood flow, brain function, weather systems and galaxies are now all composed of the same ‘stuff’ (field vortices) and all conform to a toroidal topology.

If Stefan were to discover the theories of Meyl he would be able to ‘wash and not get wet’.

(DNA) is a resonator and stabiliser! – Lanka
Suspension bridges are prone to dangerous resonant vibrations from wind vortices and earthquakes are are therefore fitted with either counterweights to damp oscillations or connectors (right) at odd intervals to prevent the formation of standing waves..

A cell is in a constant state of energetic vibration and it is therefore perfectly conceivable that some sort of damping system is necessary to absorb surplus energy, whether it be from acoustic waves or electromagnetic pulses (photons).

Various scientists have observed that DNA is the perfect structure to form a fractal antenna meaning it will receive a large variety of frequencies and not just a narrow resonant band. Some have the DNA emitting some sort of instructions to the rest of the cell but the most prosaic explanation is that it is there to stabilise cellular vibration.

Energy is conserved and in biological systems this must happen at all physical scales from the whole organism to the sub-cellular level. There should exist, by analogy with electrical systems, buffers, accumulators and transducers all over the place to ensure smooth flow but these considerations are not talked about too much.

Energy comes into a cell according to supply but is used up according to demand and these do not necessarily match up so there is a need to temporarily store energy as it becomes available and to release it again as it is required.

It changes continually and serves mainly to release energy in the body.”” – Lanka.

Reality at the atomic level according to Konstantin Meyl is best described as a field structure consisting of potential vortices and eddy currents which are in continual movement and interaction with each other. Some vortices stabilise into what we call ‘atoms’ and others into energetic ‘quanta’ such as photons.

Movement and transmutation are continual, with larger whirlpools sometimes absorbing the smaller before splitting again into different configurations. A molecule of water can be split and the oxygen transmuted to nitrogen and even carbon, so we have the main constituents of nucleic acids created on the spot from H2O and spare energy.

This seems precisely what Lanka is describing above: “(DNA) constantly builds up and breaks down again, it oscillates. Geneticists, who believe in fixed genes, cannot explain this. It’s a constant transforming, a coming into being, a disappearing again. This is our current knowledge about DNA.

Hs observations are clearly consistent with the atomic model of Konstantin Meyl.

The adaptability of cells and bacteria has been confirmed by many researchers with The ‘Hill effect’ demonstrating increased resistance to toxins of not just the poisoned cells, but also their non-poisoned relatives!

Mae-Wan Ho in The fluid genome describes bacteria with a defective lac-z gene adapting to the introduction of lactose. The cells could not process it at first but soon adapted and ‘corrected’ their defective gene, thereby ‘remembering’ the new metabolic process and passing it on to the next generation.

Causation is top-down in biological systems, with the cellular cytoplasm forming a de-facto cognitive system which is obviously capable of interpreting input and registering the response as a very precise and directed alteration of DNA sequences.

This is what has been missed and seems inconceivable to most people: that it is the cellular activity which is responsible for creating the precise structuring of the DNA and not the other way around!

If the DNA is coming and going as Lanka claims, then it cannot itself be the storage medium for cellular memories or metabolic programs. There must be something else.

John Stuart Reid in his video shows that cymatic patterns induced in water droplets were produced more readily if the droplet had experienced them before and the rates increased with repeated exposure, So a memory of the procedure has somehow been created and recalled at a later time in response to a similar stimulus

Where is this memory stored? There is no DNA here that we know of and the molecular structure if water is not fixed so it seems unlikely that any data can be stored in the physical substance of the water> We are again left with the idea that something else is necessary.

A bio-field based on the magnetic vortices as described by Konstantin Meyl is an obvious solution to all these conundrums. Physical patterns or electrical disturbances in the water or in the movement of DNA strands are registered in this informational field and become available fr use at a later time.

If DNA vanishes then it can be re-materialised again from the information residue in the bio-field and if the cell needs to reproduce, a copy of the DNA is manufactured directly from this field by materialisation and transmutation. No replication needs to take place, there is no need to ‘read’ information from the existing DNA strand as the information is already there, held in a separate domain.

Information can be passed down generations in this way and this is what constitutes inheritance; there is no need to pass on the actual physical DNA as this will be reconstituted from the bio-field information – see Telegony

Conscious materialisation. Lanka has said in another video that “Life is the materialisation of consciousness” (Stefan Lanka: vitalism), indicating that the arrangement of DNA base pairs may not be the sole chance of the laws of physics but that there may be some specific organisational principle at work behind the scenes.

Here again the scalar waves of Meyl should be considered. He has said that the brain is a scalar wave computer (What is the brain?) and so we now have an actual mechanism for consciousness that is supported by contemporary physics and is potentially capable of organising not only thoughts but the materialisation and construction of DNA and RNA.

This bio-field is electromagnetic in nature and will therefor be sensitive to disturbances of thi nature whether generated inside the cell or introduced from the outside.

What do isolation experiments show? Virologists are very excited about these and imagine that they are somehow finding small quantities of RNA in tissue cultures but from the above comments we see that they are not isolating RNA but instead are actually creating it from scratch!

There is no replication according to Lanka, only materialisation. The RNA strands are being created from the tissue culture and their structure will reflect the conditions in that culture which arise from a combination of the host bio-field, the chemicals introduced into the culture and very likely the ambient electromagnetic field conditions.

Virologists say that certain viruses are very difficult to cultivate and that very specific conditions and procedures are required. Well this doesn’t sound consistent with a naturally transmissible pathogen, instead a strong association between procedure and gene sequence suggests that it is the procedure itself that is responsible for the measured genome sequence.

Virologists also say that they can track a new variant of virus throughout the season by measurement of the genome but all this proves is that the sequencing techniques are somehow sensitive to the seasons and latitude. Either the host organism, the tissue culture itself or the PCR procedure is sensitive to the Earth’s geomagnetic field and it is variations in this that lead to stereotypical changes in the genome.

Kou et al found that different types of influenza (type A, type B, H1N1) tended to predominate in particular locations at particular times of year and that they were often related to dramatic changes in the weather. This does rather suggest that it is the latitude and season themselves that are being reflected directly in the genome sequence.

This is not an unreasonable hypothesis. The body is regulated by a scalar wave network and the cellular bio-field works on the same principle and so we would expect electromagnetic disturbances to affect this process somehow, with the adaptive, interpretive and teleological nature of the cellular system ensuring stable and reproducible results.

The loose correlation between sequenced genome and disease manifestation is also explained. The change in climatic conditions at a specific time and at a specific latitude has the twin effects of making people sick and also of changing the sequencing results. The two effect are linked but not causal with respect to each other, thereby leading to confusion over false positive tests and ‘asymptomatic’ disease.

The idea of a ‘virus’ being ‘replication competent‘ in this scenario makes no sense whatsoever. There is no ‘reading’ of the RNA strand and no molecular machinery to make new RNA to order. The cell itself is in charge of what happens within the cell. DNA and RNA are energy accumulators and transporters and not instruction manuals. DNA is downstream of cellular organisation, not its origins or blueprint.

Cell division. ” DNA is a long strand in the nucleus most of the time, and it only coils up in this X-shaped way when the cell is dividing.” – Stefan Lanka
This makes a lot of sense; the DNA acts as an energy buffer, absorbing and releasing energy as required until it is time for the cell to divide.

Once the molecules have coiled up into a helix, the laws of physics cause the strands to form an antenna and sufficient energy is accumulated to power cell division. See Meyl on DNA

Comparison with mainstream explanation.

The mainstream explanation as to how DNA is replicated involves complicated molecular machinery and a sequential construction method whereby base pairs are ‘read’ one at a time and then somehow a new pair is obtained, moved into place and fixed onto the end of the new strand.

Miraculous indeed! This is made to seem reasonable by nicely constructed cartoons and videos but in reality it creates more questions than it solves.

  • How do these machines work in a dense viscose water gel?
  • How are the new base pairs moved into place so precisely?
  • Where and what is the power supply for all this machinery?
  • How exactly do you ‘read’ a base pair and how is this information represented?
  • If DNA is constructed by a molecular machine , then what constructs the machine?
  • Where is the blueprint for the molecular machine and how is it inherited?

In addition to these questions we have the fact that DNA is claimed to consist of 3 billion base pairs that are replicated in about 1 hour. This means that the base pairs are being aligned and attached at a rate of more than 800,000 per second!

This is just not credible without further evidence. DNA is therefore not created sequentially and not transported around the cell or assembled by a machine but created in parallel and constructed on the spot according to either fixed physical laws or information from a distributed bio-field.

The description from Stefan Lanka is one of a gradual emergence from a structured vortex flow that is in tune with the energy needs of the cell. The mechanism is consistent with the known laws of physics from Konstantin Meyl and the observations of biological transmutation from Louis Kervran.

Cellular water is arranged in vortices which continually absorb neutrino energy from the sun and distribute it to the rest of the cell. DNA and RNA act as a buffer to smooth energy flow with temporary excess being used to transmute water to higher energy molecules such as carbon and nitrogen.

These molecules eventually join together in a spiral structure which accelerates the accumulation of energy and in due course will enable cellular reproduction.

The physical changes see in cells can be seen, not so much as the result of mechanical action or ‘design’ but as a reflection of energy management, which works at least in part by the continual transmutation from low to high energy molecular states and back again.


Stefan Lanka: What biology IS – body and soul biology and the substance life is made of–What-biology-IS—Body-and-soul-biology-and-the-substance-life-is-made-out-of:9

Konstantin Meyl: Scalar waves

Differences in Influenza Seasonality by Latitude, Northern India – Koul et al

Sheldrake’s TED talk

Rupert Sheldrake’s TED talk , “The Science Delusion”, listed ten points of contention concerning ‘accepted’ tenets of modern science. The presentation caused quite a stir and was “taken out of circulation by TED, relegated to a corner of their website and stamped with a warning label.” – Sheldrake

The general theme of the talk is that contemporary physics, as usually described, is mechanical, materialistic, insufficient to describe biology, inheritance or consciousness and is in any case incomplete of itself. Modern science is therefore deluding itself if it thinks it has the answers to everything or even that it could supply the answers to everything, as it is hampered by its own self-imposed constraints.

This is only partly true. There is a strong streak of ‘materialistic’ thinking in all sciences certainly but field physics and in particular the Theory of Objectivity of Konstantin Meyl do not deal with ‘matter’ or even ‘forces’ as fundamentals of nature and therefore paint a very different picture from the one to which we are accustomed.

The desire to reject ‘materialism’ is fuelled in part by an incomplete description of what actually constitutes ‘materialism’.

The ten points:

  1. Nature is mechanical or machine-like
  2. Matter is unconscious
  3. The laws and constants of Nature are fixed
  4. The quantity of matter and energy is constant and was fixed by the big bang
  5. Nature is purposeless and evolution is without direction
  6. Inheritance is via the continuity of the structure of some physical substance (genes)
  7. Memories are retained in the brain as material traces
  8. ‘Mind’ is inside the head and consciousness is just brain activity
  9. Apparent paranormal abilities such as telepathy are the illusions of Bad Science
  10. Mechanistic medicine is the only one that matters

3. The laws and constants of Nature are fixed
Yes! Of course they are! If not then how does the universe run? How does it maintain pattern, order and stability? If the laws that maintain order are changing all the time then there must be some meta-laws that determine how these changes occur.

The alternative is that things just happen and anyone who thinks that can just give up on pretending to be a scientist.

The problem we have is not whether or not the laws are fixed but whether or not the laws and constants that scientists use to describe reality are in fact the fundamental laws and constants of reality. Countless observational oddities and internal inconsistencies suggest that they are, at best, incomplete.

The laws of physics as described by Konstantin Meyl are described by a single field equation and from this can be derived the laws of gravity, the Schrödinger equation and the laws of general relativity. So Meyl’s equation can reasonably be described as ‘fundamental’ but the other laws cannot. They are just mathematical representations of isolated laboratory observations.

The speed of light. In his talk Rupert mentions that the speed of light slowed down by about 20 km/s between 1928 and 1945 before resuming its approved value. The response of the standards authorities was to simply re-define the length of the metre in terms of the speed of light so as to correct for the difference

So the speed of light is now a constant by decree (but not by observation) and length is no longer fundamental. But what about ‘time’? Is that not fundamental?

We have no direct way of measuring time and the best we can do is to count the number of oscillations of an atomic clock and declare the result to be representative of elapsed time. A big problem with this is the following chart which shows that two atomic clocks in the same room but oriented differently will keep very good time with each other – except during an eclipse!

So we are stuck with a science that somehow regards length as a variable quantity and has no reliable way of measuring elapsed time and we can therefore ask: “What then is meant by speed?” or “How on can we measure distance travelled per second when we have no stable definition of either a metre or a second?”

We have too many variables and no clear idea as to which are to be regarded as ‘fundamental’.

The solution.

Konstantin Meyl cuts through the confusion with a single field equation (below). This equation only is ‘fundamental’ and nothing else.

This is the entire equation and there are no three types of mass, no separate force of inertia, electrostatic attraction, gravity etc. and as a consequence, no need for multiple ‘constants’ to mediate between such entities.

Both time and distance and the speed of light are dependent upon field strength, with high field strength leading to a shrinking of distance and a slowing of time. Light speed can vary in absolute terms but measurements of it will remain constant to the observer because as lengths shrink, so will time slow down, giving the impression to the observer of a fixed light-speed.

The observer is now part of the experiment and will shrink or speed up along with the experimental equipment and the observed phenomena.

It is the variations of the rate of atomic clocks owing to changes in the solar neutrino stream that is likely leading to variations of the measured speed of light.

4. The quantity of matter and energy is constant and was fixed by the big bang. Classical physics is clearly struggling on this one. There can be no explanation of such an initial event in terms of known physics simply because the bang itself, having created the laws of physics must therefor precede them and hence cannot be derived from them.

According to Meyl, ‘matter’ is a stable balance of positive and negative field elements which together cancel each other out. Matter can be materialised from non-matter and can be destroyed again to leave nothing behind. The total amount of ‘energy’ in a particle is always zero and so the total amount of ‘energy’ in the universe is in fact constant and equal to zero.

Einstein’s famous E=mc² is incorrect and Tesla agreed with this, having claimed to have destroyed billions of atoms with no ill effects.

Note that Meyl’s assertions concerning mass and energy derive straight from his single field equation which therefore remains the single fundamental assertion with all other physical entities being emergent properties of those equations.

Contrast this with mainstream physics where the well studied entities matter and energy are held to be fundamentals and obeying the laws of nature but at the same time all coming from the big bang and so cannot really be fundamental. They even derive from something that is not itself part of the laws of nature, is not describable by them and is fundamentally unmeasurable, untestable and un-falsifiable.

The whole framework is topsy-turvy and badly structured. We need a single testable hypothesis but what we have a patchwork quilt thrown together from ideas which are good enough of themselves but bear not much relation to each other.

6. Inheritance is via the continuity of the structure of some physical substance (genes) This is just not true. The phenomenon of Telegony is proof of this, the page on The DNA delusion confirms that inheritance has nothing to do with DNA and the page Evolution and Inheritance puts a good case that inheritance is via some sort of informational field.

It is this field that is responsible for morphogenesis and inherited or ‘innate’ behaviour – does anybody really believe that the nest building abilities of a bird for example could be encoded in a few gigabytes of DNA?

Mainstream biology now only ascribes the function of protein construction to DNA and even then there are only 20,000 genes to encode for 100,000 proteins.

What is inherited is, in most general terms, a dynamic pattern of biological activity, or a set of rules for a molecular or neural network. Stable, dynamic patterns are best represented in terms of ‘attractors’ or closed loop control systems and the suggested physical mechanism for these is the magnetic scalar waves as described by Konstantin Meyl. They are stable, dynamic, can co-exist with matter and are not measurable by modern instruments which s why they gave been missed by scientists so far.

These scalar waves are by far the best candidate for Sheldrake’s morphic field.

A bio-field to create the shape of a snowflake? The image, taken from a Michael Clarage lecture shows distinctive looking patterns in the formation of snowflakes. At the same time it is asserted that all snowflakes are different so how do they achieve self-consistency and variety at the same time?

Physics doesn’t provide a good explanation as to how groups of billions of molecules can apparently ‘know’ what each other are doing so some new physics is needed.

The snowflakes are arranged according to some template which is going to be electro-magnetic and cymatic in nature. It looks like some force-field is creating a pattern in the way the molecules are bonding together. However Martin Chaplin claims that even this is not true, with there being no fixed pattern of bonds and instead a constantly shifting landscape of molecular connections which somehow seem to maintain a precise overall shape.

In the case of ice the hydrogen bonds also only last for the briefest instant but a piece of ice sculpture can ‘remember’ its carving over extended periods.”

“.. the behaviour of a large population of water molecules may be retained even if that of individual molecules is constantly changing.” – Martin Chaplin: The Memory of Water

So what is it that is constant? What is it that determines the overall shape?

7. Memories are retained in the brain as material traces Ideas that the brain works by arrangements of neurons or movement of chemical currents have been ditched I think for ideas that it works by electric fields or currents but this still isn’t correct. The brain most likely works as a scalar wave processor (What is the brain?)

Scalar waves are stable of themselves and have all the characteristics required of a medium for the hosting of cognitive computation:

  • Parallel processing
  • Associative memory
  • Speed of light response
  • Energy renewed by solar neutrinos (?)
  • De-coupled from the physical brain

The last is particularly important. The physical brain has its own supply of energy and nutrients. Brain cells will de and be renewed. To have conscious thought somehow coupled to the physical maintenance of the brain or to even use the same processes as are used by that maintenance would surely result in chaos and confusion?

We require that cognition is kept separate from maintenance somehow. We do not want every physical change in the brain leading to, or being perceptible as, a ‘thought’ and nor can we have ‘thoughts’ requiring physical changes in the brain – this is just too slow.

The first computers used mechanical levers to implement logic circuits but they were very slow, the maintenance cost was proportional to the amount of thinking and the complexity of thought was limited by the complexity of the physical structure of the machine.

Modern computers are a big improvement, are much faster and the complexity has been factored out into the software which runs as electric currents. ‘Portable’ software means that the computations are now independent of the hardware that they are running on.

Computers do not maintain themselves however so that electric currents are available for computation whereas in the human brain, electric currents have physical consequences not necessarily related to the intent of conscious thought. Using scalar waves is therefore a much better solution for thought processes that are to be largely independent of the physical state of neurons.

One free miracle: “As Terence McKenna observed, ‘Modern science is based on the principle: ‘Give us one free miracle and we’ll explain the rest.’ The one free miracle is the appearance of all the mass and energy in the universe and all the laws that govern it in a single instant from nothing.” – Sheldrake

So modern science is really asking for a whole set of interrelated miracles which seem finely tuned to permit the existence of life:

The universe looks more and more like a great thought rather than a great machine. Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter… we ought rather hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter.” – James Hopwood Jeans (Physicist, mathematician, idealist)

The characterization of the universe as finely tuned intends to explain why the known constants of nature, such as the electron charge, the gravitational constant, etc., have the values that we measure rather than some other (arbitrary) values. According to the “fine-tuned universe” hypothesis, if these constants’ values were too different from what they are, “life as we know it” could not exist. – Wikipedia

The fine-tuned universe is the proposition that the conditions that allow life in the universe can occur only when certain universal dimensionless physical constants lie within a very narrow range of values, so that if any of several fundamental constants were only slightly different, the universe would be unlikely to be conducive to the establishment and development of matter, astronomical structures, elemental diversity, or life as it is understood. Various possible explanations of ostensible fine-tuning are discussed among philosophers, scientists, theologians, and proponents and detractors of creationism.” – Fine tuned universe

So a little confusion maybe with the scientists unable to explain in terms of science how the fundamental constants arise and the creationists seizing the opportunity to preach intelligent design. However, both are basing their views on what is apparent and not what is real; both are assuming that the description they have of reality is the best available.

Konstantin Meyl provides the most consistent description of physical reality so far with his Theory of Objectivity. This is based upon a single field equation (see above) and all the ‘fundamental’ constants are derived from this so there is nothing fundamental about them at all.

Meyl has calculated, just from his single equation and with no additional input, the masses of the elementary particles and the radii of the elements [more]

So we really are in a situation now where we only need a single ‘miracle’, which is the prior existence of some medium, the behaviour of which is consistent with the field equation.

Sooner or later even the last natural scientist will realize, that nature does not provide ‘constants’ at all. If ‘constants of nature’ did exist, as listed in textbooks and encyclopaedias, then they aren’t consistent with causality, since we don’t know the cause, why the factor should have exactly this size and no other. Behind every so-called constant of nature unnoticed is hiding a physical closed loop conclusion. (solution)” – Scalar waves p. 599

So ‘causality’ here remains within the realm of the physical world or more accurately, within the (theoretical) confines of the Theory of Objectivity.

9. Apparent paranormal abilities such as telepathy are the illusions of Bad Science The root cause of this attitude I think is not that there is lots of bad science around (there certainly is) but that paranormal phenomena have, by definition, no plausible mechanism within the accepted scientific frameworks.

This leads to a view that “If there is no mechanism then it isn’t science and so it isn’t really happening.” This isn’t quite true of physicists though. Reading books and papers on biology and consciousness written by physicists it seems that almost all of them believe in some sort of telepathy and even life after death.

The reason is that they are used to working with ‘insubstantial’ entities such as force fields, ‘information’, quantum entanglement and action at a distance. The brain is assumed to work by electric fields and these are the ideal candidate for transmission of thoughts.

Konstantin Meyl describes instead magnetic scalar waves and wave resonance as being the medium of choice for thought transference. These turn out to have precisely the properties required to describe many experiments on ESP.

  • Are hypothesised to be the medium for cognition
  • Can form persistent connections between two individuals
  • Can penetrate walls
  • Resonant connections do not diminish with distance
  • Connections may be stronger between related individuals (The ‘Hill effect’)

The existence of a putative mechanism now means that there is something to investigate, something to try and measure or in other words some chance of doing some proper science.

Dean Radin (pictured) is arguably at the forefront of ESP research and is mentioned by Sheldrake. He and others have tried to make a science out of PSI research by introducing rigorous controls and by attempting to remove bias by the introduction of random number generators.

The problem with random number generators however is that there is no guarantee that they are in fact ‘random’. Many are based upon some assumed random process from nature such as radio-active decay but The Shnoll Effect shows that these figures depend upon planetary alignments such as eclipses and the page Neutrinos, eclipses and plagues gives the mechanism as variations in the solar neutrino stream.

One experiment from Radin showed an apparent ability of subjects to introduce a bias into the double slit experiment by thought alone. The choice of slit for a particle to go through had a slight bias that was different from a control experiment.

Dean commissioned some statisticians to repeat the experiment and to comment on the results, [here]. Wallacczek, and Stillfried were unable to produce the results . In addition to this they tried the experiment again but this time with no test subjects at all. They found that they still got a positive result, a difference in bias between the two setups, even with no ESP attempted!

The authors offer various explanations for why this might be, including: “For example, the detection method may manifest a sensitivity to (as-yet) unknown physical factors which are beyond the ability of the particular method to reveal, track, and identify

So variations in the neutrino stream could conceivably be influential in the irreproducibility and could even be the cause of the effects manifest in the first place.

Despite their best efforts then, ESP researchers may be discovering, not paranormal abilities, but subtle physical influences unknown to most scientists.

2. Matter is unconscious Whether or not this is true depends upon precisely what is meant by ‘unconscious’ but the page The origins of life presents an argument that there is effectively a world parallel to the physical that might be called etheric and consists of an informational field which organises and animates all physical matter.

Assumptions that there is ‘something else’ need to re-examined now, as it is entirely possible that with the recent discoveries by Meyl, we have everything we need in order to explain all of the observations and measurements that we can make of the world.

No sensible discussion on consciousness can take place until we have a reasonable definition or characterisation of: consciousnes

5. Nature is purposeless and evolution is without direction The standard view of evolution is one of small random variations of DNA leading to small random variations of phenotype which are then selected for, with propitious variant surviving to reproduce.

Keith Baverstock

Now quite apart from the fact that DNA has very little to do with inheritance (The DNA delusion), the way that neo-Darwinism is phrased somewhat skips the fact that all development must be according to the laws of physics and must involve rather stable patterns of molecular arrangement or we are finished before we have even started.

The interpolation of DNA and some imaginary transcriptional mechanism has conceptually de-coupled the evolutionary process from any physical law or principle and reduced it to theoretical randomness whilst at the same time giving the impression that almost any end product is possible. In reality though, the construction of a human being must obey some quite restrictive conditions and must be stable to perturbations at all stages of development and evolution.

The ‘direction’ of evolution therefore is towards ever more efficient ways of transducing solar energy into functional shapes and units: Evolution and entropy.
Organisms use the laws of thermodynamics to their evolutionary advantage instead of fighting against them, as explained by Baverstock and Rönkkö:

In summary, we propose that the life process is based not on genetic variation, but on the second law of thermodynamics .. and the principle of least action, as proposed for thermodynamically open systems by De Maupertuis (Ville et al. 2008), which at the most fundamental level say the same thing. Together they constitute a supreme law of physics..” – Baverstock and Rönkkö

All results of the evolution in the biosphere that have arisen between the ‘capacitor plates’ of the earth itself and its ionosphere can be regarded as structured capacitor losses, which also apply to humans” – Konstantin Meyl

9. ‘Mind’ is inside the head Yes. Various people have postulated various levels of exotica including a whole extra dimension to house all our memories, but a magnetic scalar-wave network seems sufficient to describe consciousness.

The impression that our thoughts and visions are ‘out there’ is a clever and necessary illusion created by the structure of our cognitive system. (see video above).

The brain maintains spatial awareness by constructing a (literal) internal space with the ‘self’ at the centre. The outside world is big but the brain is small so the internal space is wrapped around in a nested torus system so as to fit it all in.

“The Regularities of Nature are essentially habitual” – Rupert Sheldrake
The field equations of the Theory of Objectivity are fixed but will organise into stable and adaptive control systems at a very early stage and hence manifest as higher ‘laws’ which may well have become ‘habitual’ over a million years of evolution.

Habituation, then , is not at the roots of the laws of physics but an emergent feature of them.

R.S. gives an example of the growth of certain crystal structures which once seemed impossible but now are routine. It seems to be assumed that crystals are formed by the random banging together of molecules which fall into some natural alignment because of their regular shape but if we hypothesise for one moment that there exists a hidden field that induces organisational forces on the molecules then the situation becomes clearer.

Existing crystals lead to an attendant magnetic field which is the entity that acts as the nucleating structure, not the molecules themselves, promoting further growth. Changes in geophysical factors such as the Earth’s magnetic field or variations in neutrino stream operate on this field directly and thence on the the physical molecules indirectly, to produce the changes in the patterns observed.

The experiments of Giorgio Piccardi clearly show time variations of measurable parameters in both biological and chemical processes.

Things which seem both variable and fundamental at the same time are certainly not fundamental but ’emergent’. This is the main reason behind the Science Delusion itself:, that downstream effects have been mistaken for root causes and and variables taken for constants:

The Science Delusion is the belief that science already understands the fundamental nature of reality in principle, leaving only the details to be filled in” – Rupert Sheldrake


Rupert Sheldrake’s ‘Banned’ Talk – The Science Delusion at TEDx Whitechapel

Scalar waves – Konstantin Meyl

Atomic clocks

TED “Bans” the Science Delusion

Interview with Konstantin Meyl – YouTube

Big Bang is a Big Bluff says Meyl – YouTube

The website of Konstantin Meyl –

False-Positive Effect in the Radin Double-Slit Experiment on Observer Consciousness as Determined With the Advanced Meta-Experimental Protocol
Authors: Jan Walleczek, and Nikolaus von Stillfried

The evolutionary origin of form and function – Keith Baverstock, Mauno Rönkkö

The Memory of Water: an overview – Martin Chaplin

Newton’s gravity

The Law of Gravitation from Isaac Newton is described as consisting of a force-field that emanates from an object by virtue of its mass and affects other objects at a distance by virtue of their mass. Newton himself was not at all happy with the idea of action at a distance. Konstantin Meyl fixes the problem.

According to Wikipedia, the modern formulation of Newtons Law of Gravitational attraction is as follows:

Every point mass attracts every single other point mass by a force acting along the line intersecting both points. The force is proportional to the product of the two masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them” – Wikipedia

So each object in the universe is having an effect on other objects, possibly a great distance away. There is no mechanical connection but the idea of something called a ‘force’ has been introduced to make the whole thing seem more plausible.

Newton formalised this and produced a workable theory which was vindicated by experiment, but he wasn’t happy with the implications:

 “That one body may act upon another at a distance through a vacuum without the mediation of anything else, by and through which their action and force may be conveyed from one another, is to me so great an absurdity that, I believe, no man who has in philosophic matters a competent faculty of thinking could ever fall into it.” – Newton 1692 – Wikipedia

Good man!

The formulation of this ‘influence’ as stated above gives the idea that there is some sort of connection between two distant objects and each is having a causal influence on the other across a space of possibly millions of miles. This impression is so strong that it is given a name, ‘gravity’, and physicists adopt it as a real entity.

Years later, Newton was to write: “I have not yet been able to discover the cause of these properties of gravity from phenomena and I feign no hypotheses…. It is enough that gravity does really exist and acts according to the laws I have explained, and that it abundantly serves to account for all the motions of celestial bodies.” – Newton 1917 Wikipedia

Newton now accepts that gravity itself as an existing phenomenon and is instrumental in the movement of all celestial bodies. The problem of action at a distance has been circumvented by framing gravity itself and not the distant object, as the causal factor, the prime mover.

Progress has been made; the thing causing an object to move around is now not a mass many miles away, but the strength and direction of a local ‘field quantity’. The immediate cause is not distant but but proximal. This marks the start of a move away from material or mechanical action and towards a field physics where abstract field interactions are paramount.

The modern formulation places the particles of distant mass as doing the attracting, as being the first link in a causal chain acting through gravity as a mediator. Newton, however, could find nothing that could be the cause of gravity and so merely had to accept its existence.

In the paragraph quoted above, Newton doesn’t even describe it as a ‘force’ but only says that it accounts for the motions of the objects.

So what is it that causes the gravitational field?
In the field physics of Konstantin Meyl, the field is ever present and evolves according to the field equations of the Theory of Objectivity. There is no ‘mass’ needed to account for the source of the field, no mass for the field to act upon and the motion is not described as being caused by a ‘force’

There are no ‘objects’ in the theory of Meyl and no ‘matter’ exists as distinct from the field. Instead, what we call ‘atoms’ consists of stable states of field vortices which combine together to form molecules and again to form objects, humans and planets.

There is no separation between field and matter and so no need to describe mechanisms by which one may affect the other. Matter and Field are continuous with each other, made of the same ‘stuff’ and subject to the same laws.

The idea of causation as usually conceived, depends upon some sort of separation, some distinction between discrete objects so that an effect or influence may pass from one to the other, possibly via some intermediary such as gravity. This results in a proliferation of concepts, influences and ‘stuffs’ such as gravity, mass (three types no less!), charge, magnetic force, inertia, energy, the permittivity of space etc.

With Meyl’s theory, the field develops according to the field equation at every point in the universe and the emergent patterns are what we perceive as reality. In practice this means that various patterns are formed (eg planets) which result in a concentrated field strength that diminishes with distance and it is this that appears to act as as some sort of ‘force’ field by virtue of the effect that it has on other field variations (other planets, falling apples, human beings).

There is no real matter, mass or forces, merely the illusion of such. The moving together of two ‘objects’ is not by gravity or any action at a distance but by the interaction of the field with itself.

‘Causes’ as such do not travel all over the place but field changes propagate at the speed of light giving the impression of separation and causality whereas in actuality, everything develops as an undivided whole but according to local field conditions only.


Scalar Waves – Konstantin Meyl

The website of Konstantin Meyl:

Newton’s law of universal gravitation – Wikipedia

Neutrinos, eclipses and plagues

Radioactive decay. Large molecules will ‘decay’ by the emissions of particles and photons at seemingly random time intervals. If we are to believe in an ordered universe at all then we should not be satisfied with explanations involving the random fluctuations of quantum vacuum energy but instead look for a cause in the physical universe.

The solution proposed by Konstantin Meyl in his book Scalar Waves is that neutrinos from the sun will occasionally pass close to an atomic nucleus and the field disturbance thereby created will supply sufficient energy to destabilise the structure and result in the emission of a wave-particle.

This is causal now instead of random and can therefore be tested. If the decay rate depends upon neutrino density then any change in that density will result in an increase or decrease in decay rate.

Thousands of measurements made by Simon Shnoll confirm this hypothesis. Radioactive decay (right) varies according to the time of year and the phases of the moon. The Shnoll Effect

Atomic clocks are based upon such decay and we would therefore expect to see altered timekeeping during significant cosmic events such as eclipses. This turns out to be true with even clocks in the same laboratory losing synchronicity if they are aligned differently with respect to the sun.

Atomic clocks during eclipses The times on two caesium atomic clocks were compared and were seen to be generally in agreement except during an eclipse.

The two clocks were in the same laboratory but were oriented in different directions. This is unexplained by mainstream physics but is not at all surprising if we accept the physics of Konstantin Meyl.

Meyl puts the effect down to an additional energy input from solar neutrinos which become more focused when the sun, earth and moon are in alignment.

Further data from around the world support this correlation and the effect is so strong as to affect various Foucault pendulums around the world.
The effect of an eclipse of the sun, to which for instance a Foucault pendulum reacts, can equally be traced back to the interaction of the neutrinos as the free energy.” – Scalar Waves p441.

The experiments of both Giorgio Piccardi (right) and Vlial Kaznacheev both showed that biological processes were affected by the season ,phases of the moon and particularly by eclipses. The explanation given by Meyl is that biological systems will absorb energy from solar neutrinos and utilise it to their advantage.

The gravitational field of the moon act as a lens, focusing the neutrino stream on some parts of the Earth’s surface, creating ‘hot-spots’ of biological activity (not always beneficial).

From Meyl’s book:

The shadow of an eclipse follows a very precise path across the globe, making it ideal for investigating correlations between the neutrino stream and global events.

Meyl has linked variations in the neutrino stream and alteration in field vortices to both earthquakes and plagues as well as mere sleep disturbances:

Whoever places himself in the centre line of the complete shadow on August 11, at first will detect a decrease of the neutrino radiation to 50 to 60 percent, then a steep increase to 2800 percent and from the summit again the whole backwards, while standing on the earth he turns by under the moving moon shadow. The ring with half the radiation, which reaches us first, doesn’t pose a problem since, as said, we only have half the radiation in every night. Some animals and plants as a result erroneously will set out for sleep.” – Scalar waves p. 417

In the case of an eclipse of the sun effects on the biology, like problems with the heart among affected, at least can’t be excluded. If the scalar wave density increases above the density which is normal, then this has a positive effect on the economy of energy, as long as the body is capable to regulate the amount taken up. If the regulatory process however should fail . then the risk of a self-inflammation exists.

Also straw bales and other organic and inflammable materials could thus go up in flames.”

But before that happens, first the information technical influence of the scalar waves will show. Here we have to expect a psychotronic influencing, which is showing in a limited ability of perception. History teaches us as an example that a by Thales of Milet predicted total eclipse of the sun at 28.5.585 B.C. compulsorily has ended a battle in Asia Minor between the Medes and the Lydians, because the soldiers apparently most literally had gone out of their mind” – Scalar waves p. 419

Death and war play dice about the fate of mankind during the eclipse of the sun of

There are in fact several papers on the effects of eclipses on health but results are patchy and research is struggling as they have no putative mechanism to investigate and so effects are assumed to be largely psychosomatic. Patients with schizophrenia appear to be particularly sensitive, showing both behavioural and physiological changes during the eclipse:

Of the hormones studied, it is prolactin which showed an increase in titre associated with behavioural abnormalities in concerned patients during and immediately after the total solar eclipse.

We find that over the six post eclipse days the previously increased titre of prolactin shows a tendency to come down gradually to the normal and behavioural abnormalities and symptoms like sleep disturbance, restlessness and anxiety were seen in patients” – Boral et al


Meyl’s website

Scalar waves – Konstantin Meyl

Effects of total solar eclipse on mental patients; a clinico-biochemical correlation – Boral, Mishra, Pal, Ghosh

Lunar phase and psychiatric illness in Goa – Parmeshwaran, Patel, Fernandes

What is the brain?

The brain is a scalar wave computer. It is formed from a scalar wave template and when developed will host a toroidal standing wave complex which acts as the computational centre for holistic cognition. Communication with other parts of the body is by means of longitudinal scalar waves via the myelin sheath surrounding the nerves.

In the case of the Brain of a White Collar Worker a man only had 90% of a full sized brain, He had some leg weakness on one side and a low IQ of around 75 but still managed to maintain a job as a civil servant and to raise a family. This case is cited by some as proof that the brain is not the centre of intelligence and has some other purpose.

We are told by neuro-scientists that the functions of the brain are arranged geographically, with some areas responsible for emotional regulation and others processing visual information etc. Either the brain above has compensated in a spectacular fashion or what we are being told is simply not true.

John Lorber 1915-1996 produced images of hundreds of brains and found many cases of hydrocephalus that had resulted in reduced brain size but with often no great cognitive impairment. In one case, a young man had an IQ of 126, gained a first class honours degree degree in mathematics and had normal social function but hardly any brain.

When we did a brain scan, we saw that instead f the normal 4.5 cm thickness of brain tissue between the ventricles and the cortical surface, there was just a thin layer of mantle measuring a millimetre or so. His cranium is filled mainly with cerebrospinal fluid.” – John Lorber

The man had been referred to a physician as a boy because his head was slightly larger than normal.

What does all this mean?

The conundrum here is that the human head is quite large and uses up a lot of resources, which by itself is an evolutionary disadvantage. There must be some other pressing need then for a large cranium although brain volume seems irrelevant.

The logical conclusion is that the important factors in the workings of the brain are not the volume or number of neurons but instead the overall shape, size and proportions of the organ itself.

To see how this could be so we will need to understand a bit about embryonic development, fluid pressure, scalar waves, electromagnetic forces, fractal holo-fields and the golden ratio.

If, after this, things still seem a bit incredible then we can recall the words of Sherlock Holmes: ”When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.”

In embryonic development we find that blood flow precedes the development of the blood vessels and apparently acts as a guide for their development somehow. Electric fields are suspected and this idea is reinforced by the observation that spiralling blood flow in the aorta is instrumental in the formation of the heart as a spiral vortex machine,

Once the heart is formed, regulation of pressure serves to refine the shape and determine the dimensions of the arteries and indeed the thickness of their walls.

Consideration of development is important. Evolutionary processes are commonly evaluated according to their function but what is hardly ever discussed is that every physical feature in biology has to have a physical cause; there has to be some developmental plan that can result in that organ or ability,

The developmental function of the early brain then is to increase in size thereby exerting a gentle outward pressure (static electric forces) on the still malleable skull and causing it to expand at a controlled rate. There is no need for DNA to be involved here, the forces are physical and the ‘plan’ is simple.

The brain grows in a particular way which determines the rate of expansion of the skull. Grey matter is added in a way that results in a ‘blooming’ much like a cauliflower or cloud might develop. This allows for a refinement of shape which a simple balloon-like inflation would not.

A skull that is expanded via a filling of water will experience equal pressure in every direction and tend to be larger, wider and more spherical than the norm.

The Golden Ratio

The normal skull is not spherical though, it has a very specific shape of very specific proportions and those proportions involve the Golden Ratio.

So to provide fine-grained control the shape of the developing brain then we need a morphogenic field that somehow ‘knows’ about the Golden Ratio.

As luck would have it, the scalar waves of Konstantin Meyl are the ideal candidate for such a function. It isn’t so much that they are capable of such a ratio but that they naturally form three dimensional structures whose most stable state has dimensions in the Golden Ratio.

So these dimensions then are actually ‘hard-coded’ into the laws of physics and it should not be surprising then to find them cropping up all over the place. As an example, the dimensions of the red blood cell are also in this ratio: Blood flow and scalar waves

So a series of linked toroidal scalar waves are suspected of being instrumental in the development of the brain and skull. But what happens once development is complete?

This magneto- electric field now has another function which is to act as the substrate for cognition. The whole brain is the host for a distributed ‘holographic’ field which is responsible for information management for the rest of the body as well as intellectual and emotional computation.

The field is non-dissipative and maintains stability as a toroidal attractor state with the ideal dimensions to suit its physical nature.

Mae-Wan Ho has described the field in the brain as a sequence of nested torii with each layer vibrating to a different frequency and the ratio of the frequencies between adjacent layers as being equal to Φ, the golden ratio again. This ensures that there is minimal resonance between layers of the field and hence least interference but maximal independence between layers of the field. Good design.

Signals are sent to and from the brain via the nerves but again using scalar waves as the transmission medium: Scalar waves and nerves

Physicists almost unanimously require that the field be holographic in nature, meaning not that it is an illusion but that each part of the field contains all of the information rom the entirety of the field. This means that the field is also fractal (self-similar) in nature with any small part being a miniaturised version of the field as a whole.

The structure of the torus is ideal for representation of such field, being supportive of stable, resonating scalar waves and being describable by the same laws of nature at all physical scales of reality. There is clearly a need in biology for information to move freely from the macro to the sub-atomic and back so the idea of a holo-field is pretty much a necessity given only this requirement and nothing else.

In the new field physics of Konstantin Meyl, there is no Plank Length, no minimum size to any piece of the universe and so any piece of bio-field can theoretically hold an arbitrary large amount of information.

In one experiment, tissue from a human brain was implanted in a mouse and an immediate increase in learning ability was demonstrated, leading the experimenters to conclude that it isn’t so much the size of brain that is important as the quality of the tissue.

Another interpretation is that along with the material substance of the brain, the scientists had transplanted a piece of the holo-field containing all of the information from the human brain including memories, emotional processing and sense of self. This structure had merged with the field of the mouse to produce what is essentially a single hybrid consciousness.

Advisable not to try this at home, maybe.

Life after death‘ experiences are recorded where a patient will describe complex and coherent experiences that happened whilst zero cortical activity was recorded. This is because the scientists were recording classical electric fields only which are radiative and hence measurable. Scalar waves are non-dissipative and difficult to measure.

Brain death is a lie, it has always been a lie and it continues to be a lie” – Paul Byrne M.D.
Many people have made complete recoveries after a diagnosis of brain death. Many people have had their organs removed whilst arguably still alive.
Clearly the wrong thing is being measured.


The brain is a scalar wave computer whose proportions derive from its development and are also instrumental in its eventual function. The overall dimensions are crucial to its performance by electromagnetic vibration and not chemical exchanges in the neurons.

A millimetre of grey matter appears to be all that is necessary to create a toroidal signals transducer of Golden Ratio dimensions but brain geometry that is irregular can disrupt the standing wave within the skull and result in impaired cognition.

Damage to specific areas of the brain will disrupt the field in specific ways which makes it appear that function is somehow attached to physical material when it is really a ‘holistic’ or holographic field with information distributed across the whole field and very likely throughout the entire body.


Brain of a white collar worker – Feuillet, Dufour, Pelletier

Is Your Brain Really Necessary? – Roger Lewin on John Lorber

Hersens, brains, prof. John Lorber – YouTube documentary

John Lorber – Wikipedia

DNA Structure and the Golden Ratio Revisited – Stuart Henry Larsen

Mammalian Skull Dimensions and the Golden Ratio (Φ) – Tamargo, Pindrick

The influence of the Golden Ratio on the Erythrocyte – M Purcell, R Ramsey

Scalar Waves – Konstantin Meyl

“Meaning of Life & the Universe: Transforming” – Mae-Wan Ho
 ISBN-10. 981310886X ; ISBN-13. 978-9813108868

Consciousness in the Universe is Scale Invariant and Implies an Event Horizon of the Human Brain – Geesink, Meijer

Brain Death” is False – Paul A. Byrne, M.D. and Rev. George M. Rinkowski

Influenza and field vortices

This page looks at the epidemiology of influenza and asks if it is not somehow related to the newly discovered phenomenon of magnetic potential vortices. The idea is that at certain times of the year there is an increased likelihood of structured electromagnetic discharge from the ionosphere that is somehow causing outbreaks.

The epidemiology of flu demonstrates several outstanding and well documented features that need some explaining:

  • Seasonality with sharp peaks at winter solstice
  • Latitudinal correlation of outbreaks
  • Hemispherical correlation – an epidemic in the Northern hemisphere is followed by an epidemic in the Southern hemisphere
  • Tropical outbreaks – in both summer and winter
  • Local outbreaks independent of population density

Seasonality The chart shows deaths from influenza and pneumonia. The seasonal accuracy is striking, with peak deaths occurring close to winter solstice and the ‘base rate’ in summer remaining at a constant level.

This sort of phenomenon cannot be caused by light or temperature levels as these vary from year to year and vary greatly according to latitude.

What is happening is that the health of the population has become entrained somehow to the seasonal rhythm and is for some reason more susceptible to disease at mid winter. A not unreasonable hypothesis is that this resonant entrainment is in response to some feature of the Earth’s magnetic field as this will be independent of both temperature and light levels.

Correlations with day length or humidity are from this point of view, illusory.

Latitudinal synchrony. This chart from the Fred Hoyle paper Viruses from Space (originally from Hope-Simpson) shows influenza rates in Prague and in Cirencester, UK. They both lie on the same latitude and both show remarkably similar patterns. Other studies support this pattern.

Note that in the winter of 1973-73, the peak rates are delayed past solstice in both places by the same amount. This suggests that it is maybe not the population that is directly attuned to the seasons but rather that some other cause is responsible for the flu and it is this phenomenon that is itself strongly seasonal but is capable of variation

The attack rates of influenza in Prague and Cirencester(Hope-Simpson)

A departure from solstice is seen and it is consistent along a line of latitude.

Magnetic field vortices. Shown is a mini tornado, a vortex of spinning air that can form seemingly out of nowhere and vanish when sufficient energy has been dissipated. The physics of Konstantin Meyl allows for such vortices, not only in the physical substance of the air but also in the magnetic field of the Earth itself.

The surface of the Earth and the ionosphere form two capacitor plates with a potential difference of about 200 000 volts and classical physics allows for a discharge between the two as either a steady slow current spread out over the whole planet or a sudden violent discharge in the form of lightning during a storm.

The newly formulated equations from Konstantin Meyl however allow for instabilities in the field to form vortex currents and to discharge much in the same way as the mini-tornado.

Corona discharge. Such vortices can be seen in an extreme version as corona discharge coming from protuberances on power lines but there isn’t any reason why somewhat subtler energies should not discharge in an invisible and apparently harmless manner from ionosphere to ground.

Tropical outbreaks are discernible in the data from the Hope-Simpson paper. It appears that influenza is sensitive to what must be a very small stimulus so either the population is resonating to the seasons or some other intermediary is doing the job.

Outbreaks in the tropics are in both summer and winter solstices. Smaller outbreaks also occur outside of the tropics at other times of year.

These seem like harmonics. The ionosphere is resonating somehow like a large electromagnetic bell with a fundamental frequency of one year and harmonics at six month and three month intervals.

Hemispherical correlation. Another chart, again from Hope-Simpson, shows the coincidence of an ‘epidemic’ in the Northern Hemisphere followed by a similar feature six months later in the Southern.

  • Viral transmission – not credible
  • Solar effect in the north waits for six months and re-emerges in the south – not particularly credible

Again this looks like an annual effect of some atmospheric resonance. A standing wave of some sort is present and effects apparent on one side of the planet are seen on the other side at a 180° phase difference without necessarily passing through intermediate points.

Videos of resonating membranes and balloons help visualise what might be happening with the ionosphere. The (1,1) mode right shows a standing wave developing with large amplitude at each ‘pole’ and smaller amplitude within the tropics (centre).

This is the basic mode for resonating waves and superpositions of higher degree harmonics on top of this can explain the finer grained seasonal effects. Note that the Earth’s physical and magnetic bodies do not form a simple symmetric system like a balloon. The physical and magnetic poles are not in the same place, the Earth is at an angle and is spinning with respect to its own orbit around the sun.

The ionosphere is not necessarily vibrating with a physical amplitude but rather a variation of magnetic characteristics.

Local outbreaks of flu were studied by Fred Hoyle and summarised here: The HART group model. It is easy to think that if flu tends to occur in localised groups that it must be infectious but the data studied by Hoyle not only did not support this view but actually ruled it out.

The outbreaks were localised but were scattered in a fashion that was random with respect to location and random with respect to the population density. Hoyle believed in some sort of viral cause and so reached the only conclusion he could which was that the virions had come from outer space and were only available during winter because of the location of the Earth within the solar system.

Time to consider localised magnetic vortices instead.

The hypothesis of this page then is that:

  • Magnetic potential vortices are responsible for influenza outbreaks.
  • Such vortices can be as thin as a pencil beam or as wide as a cruise ship
  • They will cause about 10% of the affected population to succumb to flu
  • They are more prevalent in winter
  • They are produced by some magnetic instability that respects latitude
  • They are not easily measurable by scientific instruments
  • They can pass straight through the roof of a building
  • The ionosphere acts as an intermediary between solar output and field vortices to produce the observed seasonal effects in the population

Anecdotes of entire families or hospital wards getting flu at the same time now make sense; they were all in the same room at the same time or went out on a walk together and had their regulatory systems disturbed by the same magnetic field discharge.

Man made radiation. There is much evidence to show that proximity to cell-phone towers increases the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer but can also trigger episodes of influenza; so much so that Soviet scientists labelled the disease ‘radio wave sickness’. [link]

Konstantin Meyl is claiming that it is not the radio waves themselves that are having biological effects but rather the scalar waves )potential vortices) that are emitted as an artefact and are measured as ‘noise’ by scientific instruments.

Much circumstantial evidence points to magnetic vortices as responsible for biological organisation and Meyl has stated simply that ‘the brain is a scalar wave computer’.

This then accounts for the sickness resulting from cell-phone towers and also for the confusion created when performing studies. They are measuring the wrong thing, and getting inconsistent results; they are measuring the transverse radio waves instead of the longitudinal.

Pneumonia Why is influenza associated with pneumonia and why does the one seem to transform into the other? Why does pneumonia seem to happen mostly in hospitals and why is it not infectious? Why do diseases seem to get worse as more patients are added to a crowded ward?

Pneumonia is characterised by a deterioration and eventual necrosis of lung tissue followed by a bacterial proliferation which serves the purpose of removing the dead tissue.

The lungs gave a lot of work to do which makes them somewhat sensitive to energy or oxygen deficit. They must maintain two separate blood circulations, one to collect oxygen from the inhaled air and another to supply oxygen to the lung tissue itself.

The blood moves around the capillaries powered by scalar waves (Blood flow and scalar waves) and this movement serves as the one of the main powerhouses for the circulation to the whole body.

Heart rate and hence blood flow are reduced immediately upon posture departing from the vertical (The Heart and Circulation) and so lying in a hospital bed is already reducing oxygen to all parts of the body. Not a good healing state.

Meyl has stated that atmospheric moisture contains stored energy in the form of scalar waves and that this energy can be released into the lungs upon inhalation. Scalar waves can continue to absorb energy from solar neutrinos and can release it in various forms:

  • Movement aiding the flow of blood
  • Materialisation of electrons
  • Transmutation of other elements (?)
  • The release of oxygen into the blood by the splitting of H2O

So a vulnerable person succumbs to flu one winter, feels dreadful and is admitted to hospital as a precaution. The windows are closed and they are breathing air that has been depleted by other patients and possibly re-cycled via an air conditioning system, They are lying horizontal which reduces circulation automatically and therefore deprives the body of oxygen and the blood of its locomotive force. In addition to this they are very likely surrounded by various electronic devices emitting an unholy mixture of microwaves and magnetic vortices.

The lungs have been deprived of oxygen and energy, the tissue is stressed to breaking point and pneumonia ensues.

Florence Nightingale said that as patients were added to a ward, it wasn’t that new diseases emerged but that existing diseases got worse. We can now give a reason for this and also to give some explanation for legionnaire’s disease; the recycling of air by whatever means is leading to a dangerous lack of scalar vortex energy.


The hypothesis outlined above is somewhat speculative but there is good evidence for each of the separate parts.

An explanation for the epidemiology of influenza is a necessity for any hypothetical mechanism and this rules out a virus as a cause. The idea of magnetic discharge from the ionosphere however is consistent with population data and there are documented mechanisms for causing disease: EMF and Biology

Questions as to how the effects of 5G ,for example, can mimic an assumed seasonal viral disorder are now answered by saying that the symptoms are the same because the cause is the same and hence the disease is also the same in each case. It is a bio-regulatory disturbance caused by magnetic potential vortices of some form or another.


Estimating Influenza-Associated Deaths in the United States – Thompson et al

Viruses from space and related matters – Hoyle, Wickramasinghe and Watkins

The role of season in the epidemiology of influenza – R E Hope-Simpson

Scalar Waves – Konstantin Meyl

The Heart and Circulation: an Integrative Model – Branko Furst
The introduction to the book

Circular Membrane (drum head) Vibration – Dan Russell

Normal Modes Of Circular Membrane Vibration ( Drum ) – Spiros Kabasakalis

Balloons look really weird when they resonate – Steve Mould

Blood flow and scalar waves

Various researchers have given up on determining how blood flows around the circulatory system and have decided that whatever energetic motivation there is from the heart is insufficient to describe the total flow and that there must be some other forces at work.

The widely accepted pressure-propulsion circulation model fails to explain an increasing number of observed circulatory phenomena”

“Experimental and phenomenological evidence suggest the opposite, namely that the blood possesses autonomous movement sustained by the metabolic demands of the tissues at the level of microcirculation.“ – Branko Furst

So the blood appears to move by itself. This contradicts the laws of physics, so we must look to some other source of energy to explain the blood flow and some physical mechanism by which this energy is harnessed and converted to kinetic energy.


  • Blood flow is organised into scalar waves
  • Scalar waves exist within red blood cells
  • Scalar waves form within the blood plasma
  • Scalar magnetic waves may exist as an etheric blood flow
  • These waves are energised by solar neutrinos
  • These structures are instrumental in circulation of the blood

Start with a drawing from Viktor Schauberger of water flow in a pipe.

The flow of water is largely spiral and almost friction free. The main body of the water has separated from the walls of the pipe (observed by Schauberger) thereby reducing friction even more and toroidal ring structures (scalar waves) exist at intervals to act as bearings to further help reduce friction and propel the main flow.

Such flow was measured by Schauberger (here) to demonstrate a sinusoidal response to increasing pressure and to actually develop negative resistance at certain flow rates. This result was reproduced by independent researchers and implies that some extra input of energy is coming from somewhere.

An image from Charlie Peskin’s PhD thesis shows fluid flow (top to bottom) through a valve structure such as may be found in the heart or veins. Vortices can be seen forming around the valve outlet and they will, when fully formed, close the valve behind them.

Another image from the paper by Merab Beraia showing spiral structures everywhere in the arterial system with even supposedly ‘turbulent’ blood flow being comprised of highly organised helical flow. The suggestion is that the blood is not behaving as a simple Newtonian fluid at all but that its movement is largely determined by electromagnetic forces, with spiral formations being typical of the interaction between charged particles and magnetic fields.

So the blood is forming toroidal structures known as ‘scalar waves’ which are electrically structured and largely self-sustaining and highly energy-efficient. The performance of such structures allows for the blood to actually accelerate as it comes out of the heart and to propel itself along the arteries.

Short video shows similar structures in sea water.

Here we see luminescence in sea water that is attributed to plankton. Maybe, but waterfalls have demonstrated the same phenomenon and Viktor Schauberger claims to have reproduced the phenomenon in a laboratory.

Konstantin Meyl gives the following hypothesis: Small vortices created in the water act as receivers for solar neutrinos and then release the energy as photons. Neutrinos are already in the form of a charge-vortex (right), making their absorption into similar structures highly plausible.

This would be a good explanation then for Schauberger’s observation of ‘negative resistance’; the water flow is already friction free and is absorbing additional energy through neutrino transduction.

Time to consider the possibility that vortical eddy currents in arterial blood will also absorb neutrino energy thereby magnifying their own action and helping propel the blood cells through the capillaries.

The Parthenon according to Meyl was constructed in a very particular way so as to facilitate the transmission of scalar waves as an early form of tele-communication. Scalar waves are stable attractor states which naturally assume a height to length proportion of the Golden Ratio. Ancient temples are constructed in exactly this proportion.

The paper from Purcell and Ramsey claims that red blood cells are constructed in the same ratio of height to width as the sacred buildings of Greece: the Golden Ratio.

If in addition we have an electric current flowing around the blood cell, we have precisely the conditions for the generation of stable scalar waves.
The blood is energised by an electric field in the heart and toroidal currents are maintained by input from neutrinos.

The capillary problem. Fluid flow at small scales is profoundly different from that of macro scale flow. Here, viscous forces completely dominate the flow dynamics, making even distilled water seem, not so much like honey, but thick warm tar.

Scott Turner explains:

Intuitive ideas of fluid flow arise from observations at the macro level and do not translate well to the micro-cosmos. Any explanation of capillary flow emerging from such intuitions must be considered invalid.

So how are blood cells squeezing through capillaries that are smaller than themselves? The idea that pressure generated a billion cells away can do this without exploding the intermediate arteries is a very big stretch of the imagination.

If our new toy is toroidal waves fuelled by neutrinos then it is time to consider this surely?

Scalar waves were described above as created from physical matter (water) but with some electrical properties which help organise the matter into spiral flows and toroidal rings. Meyl, however, in his book Scalar Waves, describes them as dynamic attractor states within the electromagnetic field itself with no need for any supporting material substance.

These waves can exist by themselves and carry energy and information around biological systems. One German scientist documents how they can apparently organise physical conduits within the cells in order to facilitate communication and then dismantle them when no longer necessary.

If blood is observed by competent scientists to ‘propel itself’ around the capillaries then maybe such field waves are implicated here, after all: what else is there?

Capillary flow (Pollack) The video clip from Gerald Pollack of water flowing autonomously through a tube (left to right) can be found here. “Unending flow through the tube; it can go on for a full day” – Pollack

We see water with no discernible source of power flowing steadily into a tube and Pollack suggests this is somehow connected to the Fourth Phase of Water. The water is clearly being ‘pulled’ through the tube as opposed to ‘pushed’.

From his book: The phenomenon only works with hydrophilic tubes and is enhanced by application of infra-red or ultra-violet light.

Unfortunately we don’t see what is happening the other end of the tube, we don’t see how the water exits the tube.

Hypothesis: The water, as it exits the tube, curls around the hydrophilic material, thereby forming a water vortex (physical scalar wave) which acts as a pump.

It is this structure that is responsible for creating a local area of low pressure and by this means sucking the water through the tube. The water vortex is supplied with energy via solar neutrinos which can penetrate a laboratory wall. Extra energy supplied by ultra-violet light may also be absorbed by the vortex or it may be that there are scalar waves emitted as artefacts by the lighting equipment that are not controlled for and that are instead providing the supplemental energy.

This effect only works because there is an ‘end’ to the tube to create the water vortex and is so not suitable as it stands for propelling blood in capillaries but valves or small ridges in the capillaries could serve the same purpose to create internal vortices. The flow of blood plasma around the corpuscles themselves may result in small vortices which harness the energy to aid propulsion.

From chaos to order in active fluids – Morozov. Wu et al

In this paper, some biological substances including ATP were mixed with water and the resulting solution placed in small tubes and cylinders.

The fluid spontaneously organised itself into vortices, the vortices oriented themselves with respect to each other and then the whole thing started to move in a single unidirectional flow.

The diameter of the tubes determined the speed of flow and small notches made in the cylinder walls could be used to control the direction of the flow.

The flow then is not driven by a pressure gradient and the author asks if the idea of ‘pressure’ even makes sense in such liquids.

The mechanism is stated as unknown but from Meyl we can say at least that atoms themselves are charge vortices and that ATP acts as an antenna for neutrino energy.

We know that the heart creates vortices of blood at the scale of centimetres but this paper now suggests that at lower scales, ie in the capillaries, there is scarcely a need to mechanically shape the blood flow as it is quite capable of organising its own affairs.

In dogs whose heart has been stopped, the blood continues to flow for up to a hour.

The venous problem. If the blood is pumped around by pressure alone then the rather slow flow emerging from the capillaries will speed up into the veins and eventually emerge as a flow into the heart that seems as fast and vigorous as the flow exiting the heart after being pumped.

Venous flow is claimed to be by muscular contraction, with the valves preventing return flow., but if the flow into the heart is a fast as claimed then there is surely no return flow to mitigate against? And what happens when we are asleep or bedridden?

The valves may well prevent return flow but they also serve the purpose of restoring vortices to the blood which in turn can now transmute neutrino energy to forward propulsion of the blood.

In addition, the construction of scalar waves will give the blood flow a specific direction. It is no good postulating some sort of energetic input to the bloodstream without both a description of a mechanism of how flow is generated and a way of determining the direction of that flow. The idea that scalar waves are produced by venous valves fits these requirements precisely.

Branko Furst: “Experimental and phenomenological evidence suggest .. that the blood possesses autonomous movement sustained by the metabolic demands of the tissues at the level of microcirculation”. So the blood flow is regulated and physically caused by the actual demand for the blood flow and this happens at the capillary level!

What are we to make of this? The body is making its own requests for blood flow at the cellular level, with each portion of capillary making a contribution to the overall blood flow. We can suppose that requests for extra blood are made by the transfer of scalar waves somehow from organ to capillary and that these waves will then absorb neutrinos and maybe actually help drive the blood through the capillary to the required degree.

So running upstairs leads to a depletion of energy in the muscles which causes microscopic signals in the form of scalar waves to be sent to the capillaries. The overall blood flow increases naturally and the heart beats faster as an end result of the increased blood flow, not as a cause of it.

Who can say that this is not true?

The blood enters the heart as fast as it exits (this must be the case anyhow) – so which causes which? The speed of the blood entering the heart is not caused by the speed of the blood exiting as the two flows are decoupled from each other causally by both the capillary and venous blood flow, neither of which are dependent upon arterial blood pressure.

So it seems that it is the flow rate entering the heart that is responsible for the flow rate exiting the heart and if this is the case then in what sense is can the heart said to be ‘pumping’?

Pulmonary circulation is the system of transportation that shunts de-oxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs to be re-saturated with oxygen before being dispersed into the systemic circulation.” – NIH
So blood flow out of the lungs is via dispersal. This really is avoiding the question.

Konstantin Meyl (here) points out that there is considerable energy stored in water vortices in humid air and that these contribute a significant portion of the energy input to the human body. There is less energy in the air we breathe out than the air we breathe in.

So it is possible then, that scalar waves from the air we breathe somehow enter the pulmonary blood flow and make a contribution to the circulation. This makes a lot of sense with an increase in breathing leading increased energy input which then directly causes an increase in circulation. The requirement is determining the physiology as described by Furst.

How else is blood assumed to flow away from the delicate lung capillaries? Is there really enough pressure maintained here to continue pumping the blood all the way around the body? Is this local pressure somehow micro-managed by the beating of the heart according to demand? That really would be a miracle!

Are conditions such as legionnaire’s disease and pneumonia largely the result of bad pulmonary circulation as a result of lack of fresh (energised) air?

The Yin and Yang symbol is not far off a stylised depiction of a scalar wave and descriptions of Qi energy tie it closely to the blood: “Blood nurtures and supports Qi, or the body’s life force; in turn, Qi supplies the power, intelligence, and messages to propel Blood into all the physical structures where it’s required “

Blood is the mother of Qi; Qi is the commander of Blood”

Blood is the material substance that courses through our veins. But without the messages and wisdom of Qi and the power of its flow, we could not live. Without a sufficient quantity and quality of Blood, at the physical level, you cannot create Qi. All the body, mind, and spirit actions you perform in your daily life depend on the value and quality of Blood and Qi. The quality of your Qi helps Blood flow properly throughout your body.” – TCM

A very clear dependent duality here that mirrors the scalar wave theory of Konstantin Meyl


The Heart and Circulation: An Integrative Model
Author: Branko Furst
ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 144715276X
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1447152767

The Heart and Circulation: an Integrative Model – Branko Furst
The introduction to the book

Living energies – Calum Coats

Living energies – Calum Coats

Flow patterns around heart valves – Charles Peskin – PhD thesis 1972

Neutrino Power – Konstantin Meyl

The influence of the Golden Ratio on the Erythrocyte – M Purcell, R Ramsey

Physics of Life – Life at Low Reynolds Number – Scott Turner

Scalar Waves – Konstantin Meyl

Blood and Qi – Traditional Chinese Medicine World Foundation

Physiology, Pulmonary Circulation – Boyette, Burns

Potential vortex, newly discovered properties of the electric field – Konstantin Meyl

Tamarack mines experiment

In 1901 in Calumet, Michigan, two vertical mine shafts were dug 1.5 km apart and 1.3 km deep. tunnel linking the bottom of the two shafts was constructed and its length was measured. Now since the Earth is spherical we would expect the linking shaft to be 26.5 cm shorter than the 1.3 km.

It was a bit of a surprise then to discover that this shaft actually measures 20.9 cm longer than the 1.3 km measured at the surface.

Konstantin Meyl’s assertion is that the measurement wire has actually shrunk owing to the increased field strength, making the measured distance seem larger by comparison. (Scala waves page 273.

Theoretical calculations suggest a shrinkage of 40.0 cm. Calculations from experimental data give a shrinkage of 40.7 cm . Not exact but still much better than the original expectations.

The measured distance cannot be extrapolated to the centre of the Earth but instead when plotted, converges to to some point way outside of the Earth’s surface.

This is a good confirmation of Meyl’s field theory. We have measurements here made with piano wire and very basic geometry is used to make the calculations. The speed of light is not involved and no fancy interferometers are needed to measure ultra small distances. Classical physics is way off. Meyl is correct.

Meyl has geometry as a fundamental . Physical size is a derivative and is affected by field strength.

W are accustomed to using measuring devices for time and length that are assumed to be immutable in nature, giving the same results wherever we are in the universe and in what direction we are oriented. It is not so.

The newest definition of the metre acts as a blow for liberty and thus marks the abyss, at which we are standing” – Meyl


Scalar waves – Konstantin Meyl

From Einstein to Meyl

Konstantin Meyl describes a Unified Field Theory that eluded Einstein. Relativity is hard to understand but Meyl is harder, lacking even the comforting ideas of foundational space and time upon which to anchor the laws of physics. Instead, movement of field forces forms the foundations of physics, with space and time being emergent properties of these movements.

In his famously banned Ted Talk, Rupert Sheldrake mentions that the speed of light slowed down by about 20km/s between 1928 and 1945 before resuming its approved value.

The response of the standards authorities was to simply re-define the length of the metre in terms of the speed of light so as to correct for the difference, thus keeping the speed of light constant as required by the theory of relativity.

This is fine from the point of view of relativity, which views the speed of light as a fundamental constant but does in fact allow both length and time to vary according to local conditions.

So why did they change the definition of the metre and not the definition of the second? Why not consider that time may have sped up which makes it seem that it is taking longer for light to move from one place to another?

What does it even mean that time is going ‘faster’, and what sort of physics is it when we have an actual choice over which variables we consider to be ‘fundamental’ and which are the ones that are derivable from the others?

Time is measured via atomic clocks. The frequency of some sort of oscillation is measured via statistical means and the time elapsed is calculated from this frequency: “After exactly 9,192,631,770 oscillations, a second has passed.”

So we are not measuring time directly and cannot therefore say that it is a fundamental property of the universe. We are defining a ‘second’ loosely speaking as “The number of things that have happened since the last time I checked“.

This got me to thinking that we should be regarding ‘something else’ as fundamental and then defining ‘time’ in terms of that ‘something else’.

We can try regarding ‘frequency’ as fundamental which sounds promising as it is precisely what is measured via atomic clocks; they use the phenomenon of ‘resonance’ to measure frequency. Once we do this we can then calculate elapsed time as above by counting oscillations and dividing by the frequency.

Frequency = Cycles per Second (definition)
Number of cycles = Frequency (multiplied by) Time elapsed (rearranging)
Time elapsed = Number of Cycles (divided by) Frequency

The assumed model by which ‘frequency’ is produced however is via vibration (i.e. movement) of atomic particles within space and time, so it seemed to me that we are back to space and time as fundamental. This is intuitively comfortable but doesn’t address the issue of why it is the speed of light that can be fixed as constant if it is space and time that are considered fundamental.

A big chord was struck for me then upon listening to Konstantin Meyl explain his ideas:

I think most people will take space and time for granted as fixed, immutable properties of the universe, within which all activity (movement) takes place but Meyl turns this all around to make things somewhat counter-intuitive but at the same time more consistent.

There is only The Field:

  • It is this field that completely determines the nature of space and time.
  • Matter is comprised of toroidal field vortices.
  • Field strength determines ‘distance’ and the speed of light (field propagation).
  • Gravity is an illusion, an emergent property of field geometry.
  • Einstein’s E = mc2 is incorrect

The field is electromagnetic in nature in that is has dual components which create each other via relative movement. Magnetic forces arise from movement relative to charge and similarly, a charge field arises from movement relative to a magnetic field.

Electricity and magnetism are not separate forces in Meyl’s field and are just components of the same entity. Therefore, the field properties arise from movement of the field relative to .. itself.

Meyl: “Without movement, there would be no forces or energy .. nothing”

And: “Which brings us to the question: ‘What is movement?‘”

To clarify (or maybe not), classical physics imagines all movement taking place in an already existing space. It supposes that such a thing as an empty vacuum can exist, does exist and comes ready made with all the requisite properties needed in order to host and propagate electric or gravitational fields.

Konstantin Meyl

Einstein’s relativity is a little more flexible, viewing gravity as a deformation of space itself by the matter contains within it. The matter then moves according to the curves in space created by the matter itself. Space and matter are still separate but act upon each other somehow: “Matter tells spacetime how to curve, and curved spacetime tells matter how to move” – John Wheeler

Within Meyl’s universe there is no separation of space, time and matter; there is only he Field. It is the configuration and movement of this field that creates the stuff we know as ‘matter’. The forces which appear to act upon the matter are really just emergent properties of the field acting upon itself. It is the field strength and ‘direction’ that determines the apparent metrics of distance and time, not the nature of space causing the field to behave differently.

The field itself is the primal cause, not a pre-existing space-time universe or a monstrously crude and fantastical Big Bang a few billion years ago.

Measurements of the speed of light for example can now be seen for what they are which is to say, transformations of various sets of observed field phenomena to some (almost arbitrary) common basis so that a comparison can be made in order to say “This is the same as that” or “This measurement is greater than it was last week” etc.

Ernest Rutherford

The measuring instruments themselves and the human observers using them are all themselves field phenomena and are therefore subject to the same rules and irregularities. This, according to Meyl, is the explanation for the results of the Rutherford experiment whereby the speed of light appeared constant no matter what direction it was travelling in or at what speed the Earth was travelling through space.

Light, Earth, equipment and observer all inhabit the same local reference frame and all are subject to the same influences. As the equipment shrinks so the speed of light slows and the two effects compensate for each other thereby appearing to remain constant. Atomic clocks may well change their behaviour but our subjective experience of time also follows the rules of the Field and so nobody notices.

So when we have laboratory set-ups where subject, equipment and observer are all part of the experiment, how can we do objective science? The situation is similar to that of relativity where there is considered to be no global frame of reference and so all experiments can only reflect local laws and conditions.

Meyl, however, prefers to construct a global (absolute) frame of reference within which to perform calculations. Measurements from a local experiment are transformed to this (theoretical) global framework, where calculations are performed before transformation back to the local experimental conditions.


Is all this just theoretical sophistry or is there any practical use for this? Does this help with existing results that currently defy explanation?

One place to look may be experiments that give different results dependent upon whereabouts they are in the universe. We wouldn’t usually expect atomic clocks to be affected by subtle changes in gravitational fields. However, something like this appears to have happened in the experiments of Simon Shnoll, where biological, chemical and purely physical phenomena show results that vary in a cyclic fashion seemingly dependent upon the configuration of the solar system.

Piccardi and Kaznacheev similarly found many anomalies that depended upon season, lunar cycles and even eclipses.


Interview with Konstantin Meyl – YouTube

The website of Konstantin Meyl

Sheldrake’s Banned TED talk:

Atomic clocks