Fröhlich condensates

Herbert Fröhlich 1905-1991 proposed that under certain circumstances common in biological systems, collections of atoms or molecules could group together to form a single quantum state similar to a Bose-Einstein Condensate.
In this state, atoms would lose their individuality, behave as a ‘collective’ and exhibit new properties not present in the original elements.

Superfluid Helium demonstrates remarkable properties. The loss of energy has caused the individual atoms to ‘de-localise’ to a single quantum state which enables it to relocate outside of the glass container. Fröhlich theorised that something similar could happen to more complex molecules even at body temperature.

Here we see molecules arranged in a crystalline lattice (EZ water from Gerald Pollack) . Now if this structure is subjected to a vibrating acoustic or electric field of a specific frequency then the whole system will accumulate resonant energy and the individuals molecules will start to vibrate in synch with each other.

Here we see the effect of a simple wave of a single frequency on a regular arrangement of atoms.
The energy of the wave has started to restructure the physical arrangement of the atoms but moving charges themselves modulate the characteristics of the field which then induces further acoustic waves.

So one way to think about the system as a whole is an integrated ‘field’ of energy and matter where neither has dominance and both have equal importance.

There is no separation of matter and movement in quantum physics” – Emilio Del Giudice

An artist’s impression of a simple ‘condensate’. An input of vibrational energy has led to the emergence of a new structure (the ‘sphere’) that cannot be explained in terms of classical physics, This new entity is best described by a single quantum wave function which can be used to predict its properties and behaviour; a new ‘substance’ has been created.

“A general theorem of Quantum Electrodynamics theory shows that under appropriate circumstances, i.e. when the temperature is lower than a critical temperature and the density is greater than a critical density the system spontaneously attains a quantum state. This state has been termed as coherent because all the atoms or molecules belonging to this state can be described by one wave function and related eigenstates . Highly efficient energy transfer is a major characteristic of coherent systems and the existence of oscillating dipoles in biological systems can be explained in terms of atoms and molecules sharing the same wave function” – Geesink and Meijer

Microtubules (green) within cells are said to contain water that is in a single quantum state. Possibly even the whole network is in such a state leading to efficient and instantaneous long distance communication of complex information between cells. Similar properties are ascribed to the water alongside collagen strands, enabling rapid response across an entire organism.

Fröhlich-type of nonlinear interaction of coherent electric polar vibrations in cells play a role in structures of tunnelling nanotubes, that form a communication system between cells, and a unified coherent cavity system which enables simultaneity and mutual cooperation in multicellular organisms” – (Pokorný, 2019).

Quantum Coherent architectures are thus formed which perform specialised functions that are absolutely necessary for life processes. Here we see that an input of electromagnetic vibration is absorbed by a lattice and re-emitted at some later time as precisely the molecular vibrations needed to arrange cellular components.

A dynamic model for cellular oscillations has been proposed by Fröhlich, where part of the cellular energy supplied to the biological system is not used to reach the thermal equilibrium but, rather, to create order (Fröhlich, 1968; Ahmed, 1975). The random supply of energy to non-linearly coupled modes lead to coherent excitations of highly excited modes over an assumed bath that is nearly in thermal equilibrium.

If the energy E supplied by metabolic processes exceeds a critical rate, then a phase transition related to a Bose condensation arises in the vibrating system and the particular frequencies are excited in a coherent manner. Importantly, it is possible to excite this mode by external electromagnetic radiation of correct frequencies and this mechanism can explain how under specific circumstances the ordering of a system is enforced by the supply of energy, which is the case of living systems. (Fröhlich, 1968; De Ninno and Pregnolato, 2016).
Geesink and Meijer

Fröhlich and cancer
Coherent vibrations then are responsible for all biological order from cell division to heartbeats. Incoherence leads to disorder and dysfunction and disease. Fröhlich believed that cancer resulted not from a breakdown of order in the cell but rather from an order that is coherent but out of phase with the rest of the organism.

The problem of cancer is one of the control of cell division. While bacterial cells under appropriate conditions keep on dividing, cells in a fully grown differentiated tissue or organ divide relatively rarely, though they divide more rapidly in growing tissues and organs. We shall assume that a controlling agency belonging to the whole organ, i.e. a collective property, exists and that individual cells respond to it.”

“This then implies that a coherent electric vibration carried collectively by the individual nuclei extends through the whole tissue (organ), and that the vibrations of each individual cell respond to it and are thus held in the appropriate phase, such that the total electric energy is a minimum. In general, this vibrating polarization field will form a complicated spatial pattern.
” – H. Fröhlich 1977

So the vibrations within the cancer are not in fact incoherent and the growth not completely chaotic but instead is coherent at a different set of frequencies to the rest of the body. The cancer is effectively insulated from the main signalling system and de-coupled from any form of global regulation. It is supplied with nutrients and continues to grow, but lacking the information as to its own location within the body it does not ‘know its place’ and will produce effectively random tissue and grow at an uninhibited pace.

This was recently confirmed by Geesink and Meijer by measuring the signals emitted from cancer cells and showing them to use a scale of electromagnetic frequencies that is harmonic of itself but out of tune with the rest of the body; a brass instrument playing in a classical orchestra.


An integral predictive model that reveals a causal relation between exposures to non-thermal electromagnetic waves and healthy or unhealthy effects – Geesink, Meijer.

Long-range coherence in biological systems. Riv. Nuovo Cim. 7,
– Fröhlich , H., 1977.

Electromagnetic communication between cells through tunnelling nanotubes, 2019 European Microwave Conference in Central Europe (EuMCE). – Jan Pokorný

Water Dynamics at the Root of Metamorphosis in Living Organisms
Emilio Del Giudice, Paola Rosa Spinetti, and Alberto Tedeschi