Atomic structure: Meyl

The Theory of Objectivity of Konstantin Meyl builds up a picture of reality starting with field equations from which the familiar constructs of space, time, matter gravity and charge are expressed as emergent properties. The field has a vortex-like structure and the smallest attractor state is the electron.

The elementary particles: Meyl asserts that there really is only one fundamental particle, the electron, and all other particles are just agglomerations of various forms of electron. A positron is just an electron turned inside out and other particles are collections of electrons and positrons stacked side by side and nested inside each other.

A particle or electron shell inside another will shrink down owing to increased field strength and the laws of physics remain in place but at a reduced scale, meaning more particles can be nested inside.

Once a plausible geometric arrangement has been decided upon, Meyl can calculate the mass of the resulting particle with pencil and paper and check it against existing measurements.

Electron shells. The basic unit of matter is an electron which can be thought of as like a small soap bubble with a single unit of electric charge on the outside balanced by a unit of positive charge on the inside. The diagram shows the proposed structure for a muon; it consists of three nested electron shells.

A muon consists of three nested electron shells with alternating charge so they repel each other. The outer shell retains its natural radius but the inner ones are progressively compressed owing to the increasing field strength (think of soap bubbles shrinking owing to pressure).

So the image of small electrons whizzing around a large nucleus is incorrect as what we have is three complete charge shells at each radius.

The Proton. Here we see the structure of the proton comprising an outer electron shell with two nested electrons as with the the muon, but here the arrangement is slightly different. The total sum of apparent charges is positive.

The nested electrons are inside out and so both present as positrons. Their positive charges will repel each other, thereby keeping them apart. They are also kept separate from the outer shell as it has positive charge on the inside.

This thing will sit nicely inside several nested electron shells and will shrink accordingly dependent upon how many shells there are.

So everything is of a flexible size, electrons, protons, atomic nucleus, all of them. This has been missed by classical physics which describes immutable ‘fundamental’ particles when what we really have is flexible charge fields forming stable attractor patterns.

The only really fundamental ‘particle’ is the electron which is really a stable vortex of electrical charge forming a magnetic dipole.

The Neutrino. The diagram below depicts a neutrino changing into an electron. All basic particles are vortex structures.

The neutrino is shown with negative charge on the outside and positive on the inside. It alternates rapidly between the two as the charge travels around the torus.

The alternation gives the neutrino an average charge over time of zero, meaning it will measure on a device as having no charge. Similarly it will register as having no mass as it effectively alternates between an electron and a positron.

If it were to encounter a specific field structure it can flip to another stable state whereby it stops alternating and remains with the negative charge fixed on the outside.

It has apparently acquired both charge and mass; it has materialised as an electron.

Electron pairs

The electrons are stable field vortices which are negatively charged on the outside. The spinning electric field necessarily produces a static magnetic field arranged in a dipole as with a bar magnet.

The magnetic field dominates and draws the electrons together but the negative electric field repels the vortices, keeping them separated and achieving a stable balance with the magnetic field.

The electrons, usually spherical, are squashed together a bit resulting in a composite particle which is almost spherical, has no magnetic moment but two times the apparent unit charge of electric field.

It is collections of particles such as this that make up atoms and molecules. All the forces shaping this entity are electromagnetic; there is no need for Strong and Weak nuclear forces. One consequence is that should a particle with a stronger magnetic field than this one interact with it then there is a chance that the magnetic bond will be broken and the electrons will fly apart.

There is therefore no need for expensive particle colliders to take apart matter as there are now no strong nuclear forces holding things together. Biological transmutation is possible and the creation of DNA from Pi water sounds credible: Stefan Lanka on DNA

Calculation of the masses of the Elementary Particles: Dark bars in the chart below are the mass of the elementary particles as calculated by Konstantin and the grey bars are the mass as measured by experiment.

The chart is ‘proof’ as proof can be that Meyl is correct. Molecules are as described by scalar waves and not as described by the Standard Model, they are not hard billiard ball objects but continuously flowing and deformable field vortices.

For the first time in history then, we have a way of calculating the fundamentals of matter from basics, without the need for extra assumptions or experiment. The billions of pounds spent on the hadron collider is now just a waste of money and has been since about 1990 when Meyl first published his results.

The elements of the periodic table. In this chart, Meyl has applied his theory to whole atoms of the elements in the periodic table and attempted to calculate the radius of each atom on theoretical grounds alone.

The large jumps appear whenever a new electron shell is required and the calculations agree remarkably well with existing measurements.

Accuracy diminishes after each jump and Meyl puts this down to the necessity of theoretical simplification as the calculations become more and more complex. Precision is restored at the introduction of a new electron shell.

This pattern matching is clearly more than just a statistical coincidence.

There is now a single unity to the whole of physical reality which consists of the field equations of Konstantin Meyl. The equations are solved by stable attractor states which represent all matter, energy and forces in the known universe.


The website of Konstantin Meyl: