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The heart and circulation [page]
The book The Heart and Circulation by Branko Furst is nearly 400 pages long and summarises over 100 years of research into the nature and cause of blood flow around the human body. Despite all this work it is still not known how this happens.

What is the brain? [page]
The brain is a scalar wave computer. It is formed from a scalar wave template and when developed will host a toroidal standing wave complex which acts as the computational centre for holistic cognition.

The Heart is not a Pump [page]
The heart is not primarily a pressure pump as commonly thought but imparts rotational and electromagnetic energy into the blood which is later released and converted to flow, making the blood appear to propel itself around the vascular system.
Electromagnetism and Blood [page]

The origins of life [page]
The fundamental principle of life is not that of random molecular motion but an adaptive learning process formed from a magneto-electric bio-field and driven by neutrino energy from the sun.

The DNA delusion [page]

  • DNA is not the blueprint for life
  • DNA mutations are not random.
  • Natural selection plays little to no part in evolution
  • Evolution of form is decoupled from that of genes
  • DNA is not the physical substance of inheritance

Stefan Lanka on DNA [page]
DNA is not manufactured one base pair at a time via a molecular template but instead emerges ‘out of the nothing’, being manifest by consciousness and biological transmutation. It is not the blueprint for life but an energy regulator for the cell.

Vitamin D supplementation [page]
Low vitamin D levels are the result of inflammatory conditions – not the cause of them. Magnesium deficiency is a likely root cause. Supplementation is useless at best and dangerous for some. Stored levels from summer sun are sufficient.

Sheldrake’s TED talk [page] , “The Science Delusion”, listed ten points of contention concerning ‘accepted’ tenets of modern science. The presentation caused quite a stir and was “taken out of circulation by TED, relegated to a corner of their website and stamped with a warning label.” – Rupert Sheldrake

Healing Frequencies [page]
The main carrier of information in biological systems is electro-acoustic waves and both electromagnetic waves and ultrasound waves are converted to this ‘format’ and so both have the same effect. Some frequencies have healing effects and others promote disease states. The healthy frequencies all lie on a Pythagorean Harmonic Scale.

Distant cellular interaction [page]
Cells can communicate outside of their immediate neighbourhood via ultra weak photon emission (UPE). Effects can be visible at the level of the cell and up to the whole organism. Effects can be linked to solar activity and the Earth’s magnetic field.

What is Qi? [page]

This page looks at how electromagnetic information and energy are transmitted around the body and compares this to existing descriptions of the essential ‘life force’ of traditional Chinese medicine.

Do viruses exist? [page]
Contrary to what most people think, there is no proof of the existence of any pathogenic virus; not flu nor covid nor AIDS, measles, chickenpox, syphilis..
This page gives a short introduction as to how the misconception came about and is maintained by bad laboratory technique.

The Origins of Life [page]
The creation of first life was not a complete accident but was the expression of a molecular code-script which organises molecules and energy transfer via a harmonic scale of frequencies hard-wired into the fabric of reality and found in mineral clays, quantum vibrations, the resonant frequencies of water and all life forms.

Graphene Oxide [part1] [part 2]
Is there really any good evidence of graphene oxide in the vials?
Water, when in contact with biological matter can take on a variety of geometric shapes which can prove deceptive without specialist knowledge.

5G and Covid [page]
There are many statistical correlations between the 5G rollout and the onset of ‘Covid” outbreaks.
Many experts are now convinced of a causal link and a mechanism for disease is proposed via disruption of the Voltage Gated Calcium Channels.

The Primo Vascular System [page]
The Bong-Han ducts named after their discoverer Kim Bong-Han (left) comprise an organised system of fluid filled vessels that are present in the arteries and chambers of the heart and surround every organ in the body.
They are thought to be the physical organ of the Acupuncture system; the conduit for Qi energy.

Transmutation [page]
Can base elements really be changed to other elements outside of a nuclear reactor?
Conventional physics says not but many experiments by respected scientists suggest that it is in fact possible and does in fact happen within living cells on a daily basis.

The Biofield Hypothesis [page]
This page summarizes the idea that the electrical systems in the body are not independent but integrated into a connected whole which forms the Biofield.
If true, this would provide a scientific basis for the various types of ‘Energy Medicine’.